The Union-Crimea / Red semi-sweet
Crimean sparkling wine is made from grapes grown elite in Sevastopol and the Crimean foothill areas. On its soil and climatic properties ideal Earth-like Champagne in France. This sparkling drink light straw color, with a touch of green to golden in color, with a strong flavor and a subtle taste, in which there are colors of wildflowers and flowering vines.

Sparkling wine is produced by traditional technology-by Sharma. It is most common in the world of industrial manufacturing method sparkling wine. Wine fermentation occurs in large steel tanks that can withstand high pressure. Sparkling wine is bottled at the end of the vintage. Experts of the plant kept in strict privacy features of the production of these wines. In the late 50's to begin exporting to Germany, and later in other European countries. Residents of both the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany enjoyed great tasting sparkling drink , and today, united Germany is the largest consumer of Sparkling wine from the western Crimea.